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Found 9394 results for any of the keywords a federation. Time 0.044 seconds.
Home - WFDFThe World Flying Disc Federation (WFDF) is the international sports federation responsible for world governance of Flying Disc (frisbee) sports, including Ultimate, Beach Ultimate, Wheelchair Ultimate, Disc Golf, Freesty
Jewish Federation of Greater Washington | DC MD VAThe Jewish Federation of Greater Washington cares for those in need, deepens Jewish engagement and strengthens bonds among Jews in DC and around the world.
Fresh Federation BathroomAn original federation home in Sydney’s Bondi Beach had a top to toe renovation including the addition of a second storey that brought light and bright beachside living to this heritage home.
National Federation of Maldivian Employers - HomeMaldives COVID-19 Situation Report
Kyokushin - WikipediaIn 1969, Oyama staged The First All-Japan Full Contact Karate Open Championships and Terutomo Yamazaki became the first champion. All-Japan Championships have been held at every year. In 1975, The First World Full Contac
World Gastroenterology OrganisationThe World Gastroenterology Organisation (WGO) is a federation of over 100 Member Societies and four Regional Associations of gastroenterology representing over 50,000 individual members worldwide.
American Trucking Associations - YouTubeAmerican Trucking Associations is the largest national trade association for the trucking industry. Through a federation of 50 affiliated state trucking asso...
India - WikipediaIndia is a federation with a parliamentary system governed under the Constitution of India—the country's supreme legal document. It is a constitutional republic.
All India Management Association | Online Post Graduate Courses in IndAIMA is a federation of Local Management Associations (LMAs). AIMA today affiliates 64 LMAs across the country and two co-operating management associations i.e. Qatar Indian Management Association and Mauritius Managemen
Home | The Wildlife TrustsThe Wildlife Trusts are a federation of 46 independent wildlife conservation charities covering the whole of the UK. We manage nature reserves, help children to learn about nature and campaign to protect our seas.
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